Monday, 24 October 2011

Starting Life as a Professional

For some reason we all think that when we get out of university, opportunities just present themselves. Well... they don't. It took me a month to find a job, and I am still working on the career part. I am liking the position I am in now, a Sales Rep at a Rogers dealer. I feel like I am gaining knowledge that I can actually build on if or when I am moved into a marketing position. Everyday something happens that makes me think "When I am in marketing here, I want to..." The company is small, but strong. I would love to help it move even farther than it already has.

Every aspiring professional probably goes through this at this stage in life. A little bit of worry about what you are going to do financially, a little bit of wonder about what's going to happen next, and a whole lot of stir-craziness, wishing you could put your recently acquired skills to good use.

Here's hoping to a bright future!                                                                                photo credit

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